Show opening at KP Projects Gallery


633 N. La Brea Ave, Los Angeles CA 90036

Click HERE for more information

Our Home

When I was 10 years old my family called the police thinking they heard a burglar walking on the roof. It turned out to be a rather large raccoon. On another day we pulled up to our house to find a 6 ft long snake sunbathing in our driveway. One Halloween a small pack of coyotes followed us on our slow trek throughout the neighborhood. And for a couple of weeks in the springtime two ducks paddled in our pool more than we probably did for the whole year. 

With this series I wanted to create a whimsical tribute to all of the animals who have come to visit throughout the years by making my home theirs. The house I grew up in is a 59-year-old mid-century modern house. It has floor to ceiling windows and rooms with minimal walls that gives you the feeling of being in a wide open space. This is why I have chosen to omit painting floors or ceilings in my pieces and instead let objects such as furniture, rugs, and cars build the environment instead. For my latest contribution of this series I decided to trade in the bright colored backgrounds for a more muted palette, creating a larger void-like space for the designer furniture and creatures to live in. In these latest works I wanted to include more still life compositions to include the more intimate scenes in my parents’ home and to show off their love of the “knick-knack”. The juxtaposition of the animals interacting with the design of the house is a playful tension between man and nature and how we share this world (and sometimes our home) with one another.